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Historic Transparency: Volume of Kavanaugh’s Public Exec Branch Material Tops Levels of Past SCOTUS Nominees

With latest release, more than 200,000 pages now public

WASHINGTON – Public material from Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s Executive Branch legal service now exceeds that of any previous Supreme Court nominee. The Senate Judiciary Committee today released more than 25,400 pages from Judge Kavanaugh’s service as a White House lawyer, bringing the total volume of public Executive Branch materials to more than 200,000 pages.  The previous high water mark for such material was roughly 180,000 pages released during the committee’s consideration of Justice Neil Gorsuch.
The Committee has received more Executive Branch records in its consideration of Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination than for any previous Supreme Court nominee. The material was initially produced to the committee by President George W. Bush on a confidential basis while it was prepared for public release. Today’s release is the fifth subset of that material to become public. It includes:
·       Cover Sheet
Nomination material is being posted HERE as it becomes available.
The Chairman’s team has already reviewed more than 95 percent of the 408,000-plus pages of material submitted by President Bush, as well as more than 22,000 pages of documents from the Office of Independent Counsel Ken Starr provided by the National Archives and Records Administration. That’s in addition to reviewing other public material, including more than 10,000 pages of the judicial opinions that Judge Kavanaugh wrote or joined in his 12 years of service on the D.C. Circuit and more than 17,000 pages of academic writings, speeches and other material Judge Kavanaugh submitted to the committee in response to its bipartisan questionnaire. At this current pace, the Chairman’s team will read every page of Judge Kavanaugh’s complete record well before the committee hearing begins on September 4th.
