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Judiciary Committee Announces Hearing, Sends Invitations, Requests Documents

WASHINGTON – The Senate Judiciary Committee today scheduled a hearing titled “Oversight of the Foreign Agents Registration Act and Attempts to Influence U.S. Elections: Lessons Learned from Current and Prior Administrations.”
The Committee has formally invited the following witnesses to provide testimony at the hearing:
Panel I
-          Adam Hickey, Deputy Assistant Attorney General, National Security Division, U.S. Department of Justice;
-          E. W. “Bill” Priestap, Assistant Director, Counterintelligence Division, Federal Bureau of Investigation;
-          Michael E. Horowitz, Inspector General, U.S. Department of Justice;
Panel II
-          William Browder of Hermitage Capital Management;
-          Glenn R. Simpson of Fusion GPS;
-          Paul J. Manafort of DMP International, LLC;
-          Donald Trump, Jr. of Trump Organization, LLC.
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley and Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein, as well as Judiciary Crime and Terrorism Subcommittee Chairman Lindsey Graham and Ranking Member Sheldon Whitehouse have requested that documents related to certain matters be preserved and provided to the committee. The preservation and records requests were issued to:
-          Simpson;
-          Manafort;
-          Trump, Jr.;
-          the Trump Organization;
-          the Trump Campaign.
The document requests follow this release.
The Committee expects that all witness will comply voluntarily with invitations to testify. However, Chairman Grassley and Ranking Member Feinstein have agreed to issue subpoenas, if necessary, for Glenn Simpson, Paul Manafort and Donald Trump, Jr. Grassley will continue to consult with Feinstein going forward as he works with witnesses through their attorneys to secure their testimony.
July 19, 2017
Mr. Glenn R. Simpson
Fusion GPS
Washington, D.C. 20535
Dear Mr. Simpson,
On March 24, 2017, the Chairman requested information from you regarding Fusion GPS’ activities related to a dossier compiled by Mr. Christopher Steele.[1] This request sought information on Fusion’s funding and client arrangements as well as factual information about Fusion’s particular arrangement with Mr. Steele, his company Orbis Business Intelligence, and Fusion’s communications with the media and government entities regarding the dossier.
In an April 7, 2017 response letter, you refused to produce that information, citing the First Amendment, attorney-client privilege, attorney work product privilege, and contractual rights.[2] As noted in the Committee’s June 7, 2017 follow-up letter to you, neither your written response nor the oral response from your attorney sufficiently articulated any basis for asserting these rights and privileges, and you have not attempted to produce a privilege log that would permit the Committee to evaluate your claims.[3] The Chairman determined that (1) you have not demonstrated that the attorney-client privilege, the attorney work product privilege, or any asserted confidentiality agreements apply to any of the information requested; and (2) contrary to the assertions in your June 23, 2017 follow-up response, a court has already found that the First Amendment does not shield either you or Fusion GPS.[4]
You have refused to produce any of the requested information or even a privilege log of withheld information on a voluntary basis. Thus, the Chairman indicated in his June 7, 2017 letter an intent to begin the Committee’s consideration of compulsory process to require document production.
The Committee has also invited you to testify in a hearing on the enforcement of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). FARA requires the disclosure of lobbying and public relations efforts on behalf of foreign states. It has been reported that, in addition to orchestrating the creation of the Trump dossier, Fusion GPS is the subject of a FARA complaint for engaging in active lobbying and public relations campaigns on behalf of Russian government interests to undermine the Magnitsky Act, among other things, without registering under the statute.[5]
Since that invitation, however, the Committee has learned through news reports that other subjects of the same FARA complaint that named you also met with Donald Trump, Jr., Paul Manafort, and Jared Kushner in 2016—again to push the Russian government’s propaganda campaign. These other subjects of the FARA complaint, Natalia Veselnitskaya and Rinat Akhmetshin, are reportedly tied to your firm as part of the same unregistered lobbying and public relations effort against the Magnisky Act.[6]
In light of these developments and in anticipation of your testimony, the Committee will need to seek relevant documents from you. As multiple investigations into Russia’s meddling in this country’s democratic process continue, it is crucial that this Committee evaluate the failures to enforce FARA and ensure that foreign government lobbying and propaganda activities in the United States are fully transparent. Accordingly, please preserve all documents related to these matters. Please also begin producing the below documents to the Committee no later than August 2, 2017. Please include a privilege log detailing the basis for any documents you intend to withhold. If you fail to produce the requested information and any appropriate privilege log, we will require production pursuant to a subpoena.
1.      All contracts or agreements entered by Bean LLC, Bean LLC DBA Fusion GPS, Fusion GPS, Kernel LLC, or any other legal entity with which you are or have been associated (hereinafter “Fusion GPS”), to conduct research or other services relating to Donald J. Trump and his associates. To the extent any of these contracts or agreements does not include the following information, provide documents containing such information:
a.      Documents related to start and end dates of the arrangement;
b.      The terms of the arrangement;
c.       The total amount of payments to Fusion GPS pursuant to the arrangement; and
d.      Copies of all related contracts or agreements.
2.      All contracts or agreements entered by Fusion GPS, or any other documents related to the efforts of Fusion GPS, to conduct research regarding Prevezon Holdings, Hermitage Capital Management, William Browder, and Sergei Magnitsky, or relating to efforts to act as a lobbyist, public-relations counsel, or publicity agent in opposition to the Magnitsky Act or in favor of the interests of Prevezon Holdings. To the extent any of these contracts or agreements does not include the following information, provide documents containing such information:
a.      Documents related to start and end dates of the arrangement;
b.      The terms of the arrangement;
c.       The total amount of payments to Fusion GPS pursuant to the arrangement; and
d.      Copies of all related contracts.
3.      All documents relating to Fusion GPS’ arrangement with Christopher Steele or Orbis Business Intelligence to investigate Donald J. Trump and his associates, including all communications, memoranda, and other types of reports that Christopher Steele and/or Orbis Business Intelligence provided Fusion GPS, its officers, employees, or associates in the course of this engagement. To the extent these documents do not include the following information, provide documents containing such information:
a.      The start and end dates of the arrangement;
b.      The terms of the arrangement;
c.       The total amount of payments from Fusion GPS or its clients to Christopher Steele and/or Orbis Business Intelligence; and
d.      Copies of all related contracts.
4.      All contracts or agreements entered by Fusion GPS with Rinat Akhmetshin or any other legal entity with which he is or has been associated. To the extent any of these contracts or agreements does not include the following information, provide documents containing such information:
a.      The start and end dates of the arrangement;
b.      The terms of the arrangement;
c.       The total amount of payments from Fusion GPS or its clients to Rinat Akhmetshin; and
d.      Copies of all related contracts or agreements.
5.      All communications to, from, or copied to Fusion GPS, its officers, employees or associates related to: the acquisition or creation of information relating to Donald J. Trump and his associates; the creation and editing of the series of memos now commonly referred to as “the dossier”; the distribution of information regarding Donald J. Trump and his associates, whether in memo form, the dossier, or any other form; or discussions of the dossier, other memoranda, or other documents created by Mr. Steele or Orbis Intelligence. The documents produced shall include, but not be limited to the following:
a.      Documents related to providing the dossier, the information contained therein, or related information about Donald J. Trump or his associates to the FBI or otherwise contacting the FBI regarding the investigation of Donald J. Trump;
b.      Documents related to communications with the FBI;
c.       Documents and communications related to the FBI paying Christopher Steele or Orbis Business Intelligence to continue the investigation of Donald J. Trump or his associates;
d.      Documents related to communications with the Department of Justice’s FARA Unit; and
e.      Documents related to providing to the British government or any other foreign government the dossier, information contained therein, or related information regarding Donald J. Trump or his associates.
6.      All communications to, from, or copied to Fusion GPS, its officers, employees, or associates relating to Donald J. Trump, Christopher Steele, Sir Andrew Wood, David J. Kramer, Senator John McCain, the Halifax International Security Forum, Aleksej Gubarev, Webzilla B.V., XBT Holdings, S.A., Alfa Group, Dmitry Peskov, Vladimir Putin, the Ritz Carlton Moscow Hotel, Paul Manafort, Carter Page, Sergei Ivanov, Igor Divyekin, Sergei Millian, Dmitry Medvedev, Michael Flynn, Jill Stein, Michael Cohen, Konstantin Kosachev, Viktor Yanukovych, Corey Lewandowski, Sergei Kislyak, Yuri Ushakov, Anton Vaino, Mikhail Kalugin, Andrei Bondarev, Mikhail Fridman, Petr Aven, German Khan, Oleg Govorun, Aras Agalarov, Emin Agalarov, Sergey Lavrov, Igor Sechin, Rosneft, Sergei Kiriyenko, Oleg Solodukhin. This shall include any documents referring to any of the aforementioned using pseudonyms, nicknames, abbreviations, or codes.
7.      All communications to, from, or copied to Fusion GPS, its officers, employees, or associates related to the Magnitsky Act, Prevezon Holdings, Russian adoption policies, Hermitage Capital Management, William Browder, Rinat Akhmetshin, Natalia Veselnitskaya, Irakly (Ike) Kaveladze, Ed Lieberman, Anatoli Samochornov, Rob Goldstone, Donald Trump, Jr., Denis Katsyv, Robert Arakelian, Christopher Cooper, Lanny Wiles, Mark Cymrot, Ron Dellums, and Howard Schweitzer. This shall include any documents referring to any of the aforementioned using alternate spellings, pseudonyms, nicknames, abbreviations, or codes.
If you have any questions, please contact Patrick Davis of Chairman Grassley’s Committee staff at (202) 224-5225 or Heather Sawyer of Ranking Member Feinstein’s staff at (202) 224-7703.
Charles E. Grassley Dianne Feinstein
Chairman Ranking Member
Committee on the Judiciary Committee on the Judiciary
Lindsey O. Graham Sheldon Whitehouse
Chairman Ranking Member
Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism
Committee on the Judiciary Committee on the Judiciary
July 19, 2017
Mr. Paul Manafort
c/o Reginald Brown
Wilmer Hale
1875 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20006
Dear Mr. Manafort:
We are writing to confirm that adequate steps are being taken to preserve records, and with a request for documents regarding any attempts or interest in obtaining information about presidential candidate Hillary Clinton from Russian government and affiliated sources, including reports of a June 2016 meeting between Donald Trump, Jr., Jared Kushner, Natalia Veselnitskaya, and you.
We expect that you have already taken care to preserve relevant documents[7] in light of investigations into Russian interference being conducted by Congress and federal law enforcement and counterintelligence agencies. We ask that you confirm by August 2, 2017, that this has been done, and describe the scope of documents that are being preserved.
If this has not yet been done, we ask that you immediately take steps to preserve all relevant documents in your possession, custody, or control related to Russian interference in the 2016 election, including documents related to your or the Trump campaign’s[8] contacts with: Russian government officials, associates, or representatives; any individuals who purported to act or whom were believed to be acting on behalf of Russian government officials, associates, or representatives; anyone who might have been involved in or in receipt of information obtained as a result of Russia’s influence campaign.
We also ask that you begin producing the following documents to the Committee no later than August 2, 2017:
1.      all documents related to the June 9, 2016 meeting or any other meeting, or effort to arrange a meeting with Natalia Veselnitskaya or Rinat Akhmetshin, including all documents provided during the meeting and all documents relating to scheduling, what happened during the meeting(s), and any related actions taken after the meeting(s);
2.      all documents, including all communications to, from, or copied to you relating to Rob Goldstone, Emin Agalarov, Aras Agalarov, Natalia Veselnitskaya, Rinat Akhmetshin, Anatoli Samochornov, Irakly (Ike) Kaveladze, Christopher Steele, Aleksej Gubarev, Webzilla B.V., XBT Holdings S.A., Alfa Group, Dmitry Peskov, Vladimir Putin, the Ritz Carlton Moscow Hotel, Paul Manafort, Carter Page, Igor Sechin, Sergei Ivanov, Igor Divyekin, Sergei Millian, Dmitry Medvedev, Michael Flynn, Jill Stein, Michael Cohen, Konstantin Kosachev, Viktor Yanukovych, Corey Lewandowski, Sergei Kislyak, Yuri Ushakov, Anton Vaino, Mikhail Kalugin, Andrei Bondarev, Mikhail Fridman, Petr Aven, German Khan, Oleg Govorun, Sergey Lavrov, Rosneft, Sergei Kiriyenko, Oleg Solodukhin. This shall include any documents referring to any of the aforementioned using alternate spellings, pseudonyms, nicknames, abbreviations, or codes;
3.      all documents relating to any attempts or actions taken by you or the Trump campaign to obtain information during the 2016 presidential campaign about Hillary Clinton from: Russian government officials, associates, or representatives; any individuals who purported to act or whom were believed to be acting on behalf of Russian government officials, associates, or representatives; or anyone who might have been involved in or in receipt of information obtained as a result of Russia’ s influence campaign;
4.      all documents relating to any attempts or actions taken by you or the Trump campaign to coordinate, encourage, gain, release, or otherwise use information related to Russia’s influence campaign aimed at the US 2016 presidential election;
5.      all documents relating to your registration under the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA), including any communications with the Department of Justice.
We appreciate your prompt attention to this important matter. If you have any questions, please contact Patrick Davis of Chairman Grassley’s staff at (202) 224-5225 or Heather Sawyer of Ranking Member Feinstein’s staff at (202) 224-7703.
Charles E. Grassley Dianne Feinstein
Chairman Ranking Member
Committee on the Judiciary Committee on the Judiciary
Lindsey O. Graham Sheldon Whitehouse
Chairman Ranking Member
Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism
Committee on the Judiciary Committee on the Judiciary
July 19, 2017
Mr. Donald Trump, Jr.
c/o Alan S. Futerfas
565 Fifth Avenue, 7th Floor
New York, NY 10017
Dear Mr. Trump:
We are writing to confirm that adequate steps are being taken to preserve records, and with a request for documents regarding any attempts or interest in obtaining information about presidential candidate Hillary Clinton from Russian government and affiliated sources, including through a June 2016 meeting between Jared Kushner, Paul Manafort, Natalia Veselnitskaya, and you.
We expect that you have already taken care to preserve relevant documents[9] in light of investigations into Russian interference being conducted by Congress and federal law enforcement and counterintelligence agencies. We ask that you confirm by August 2, 2017, that this has been done, and describe the scope of documents that are being preserved.
If this has not yet been done, we ask that you immediately take steps to preserve all relevant documents in your possession, custody, or control related to Russian interference in the 2016 election, including documents related to your or the Trump campaign’s[10] contacts with: Russian government officials, associates, or representatives; any individuals who purported to act or whom were believed to be acting on behalf of Russian government officials, associates, or representatives; anyone who might have been involved in or in receipt of information obtained as a result of Russia’s influence campaign.
We also ask that you begin producing the following documents to the Committee no later than August 2, 2017:
6.      all documents related to the June 9, 2016 meeting or any other meeting, or effort to arrange a meeting with Natalia Veselnitskaya or Rinat Akhmetshin, including all documents provided during the meeting and all documents relating to scheduling, what happened during the meeting(s), and any related actions taken after the meeting(s);
7.      all communications to, from, or copied to you relating to Rob Goldstone, Emin Agalarov, Aras Agalarov, Natalia Veselnitskaya, Rinat Akhmetshin, Anatoli Samochornov, Irakly (Ike) Kaveladze, Christopher Steele, Aleksej Gubarev, Webzilla B.V., XBT Holdings S.A., Alfa Group, Dmitry Peskov, Vladimir Putin, the Ritz Carlton Moscow Hotel, Paul Manafort, Carter Page, Igor Sechin, Sergei Ivanov, Igor Divyekin, Sergei Millian, Dmitry Medvedev, Michael Flynn, Jill Stein, Michael Cohen, Konstantin Kosachev, Viktor Yanukovych, Corey Lewandowski, Sergei Kislyak, Yuri Ushakov, Anton Vaino, Mikhail Kalugin, Andrei Bondarev, Mikhail Fridman, Petr Aven, German Khan, Oleg Govorun, Sergey Lavrov, Rosneft, Sergei Kiriyenko, Oleg Solodukhin. This shall include any documents referring to any of the aforementioned using alternate spellings, pseudonyms, nicknames, abbreviations, or codes;
8.      all documents relating to any attempts or actions taken by you or the Trump campaign to obtain information during the 2016 presidential campaign about Hillary Clinton from: Russian government officials, associates, or representatives; any individuals who purported to act or whom you believed to be acting on behalf of Russian government officials, associates, or representatives; or anyone who might have been involved in or in receipt of information obtained as a result of Russia’s influence campaign;
9.      all documents relating to any attempts or actions taken by you or the Trump campaign to coordinate, encourage, gain, release, or otherwise use information related to Russia’s influence campaign aimed at the US 2016 presidential election.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. If you have any questions, please contact Patrick Davis of Chairman Grassley’s staff at (202) 224-5225 or Heather Sawyer of Ranking Member Feinstein’s staff at (202) 224-7703.
Charles E. Grassley Dianne Feinstein
Chairman Ranking Member
Committee on the Judiciary Committee on the Judiciary
Lindsey O. Graham Sheldon Whitehouse
Chairman Ranking Member
Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism
Committee on the Judiciary Committee on the Judiciary
July 19, 2017
Donald Trump, Jr.
Eric Trump
Executive Vice Presidents
The Trump Organization
725 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10022
Dear Messrs. Trump:
We are writing to confirm that adequate steps are being taken to preserve records, and with a request for documents regarding any attempts or interest in obtaining information about presidential candidate Hillary Clinton from Russian government and affiliated sources, including through a June 2016 meeting between Donald Trump, Jr., Jared Kushner, Paul Manafort, and Natalia Veselnitskaya.
We expect that the Trump Organization[11] has already taken care to preserve relevant documents[12] in light of investigations into Russian interference being conducted by Congress and federal law enforcement and counterintelligence agencies. We ask that you confirm by August 2, 2017, 2017, that this has been done, and describe the scope of documents that are being preserved.
If this has not yet been done, we ask that you immediately take steps to preserve all relevant documents in the possession, custody, or control of the Trump Organization related to Russian interference in the 2016 election, including documents related to the Trump Organization’s or Trump campaign’s[13] contacts with: Russian government officials, associates, or representatives; any individuals who purported to act or whom were believed to be acting on behalf of Russian government officials, associates, or representatives; anyone who might have been involved in or in receipt of information obtained as a result of Russia’s influence campaign.
We also ask that you begin producing the following documents to the Committee no later than August 2, 2017:
1.      all documents related to the June 9, 2016 meeting or any other meeting or effort to arrange a meeting with Natalia Veselnitskaya or Rinat Akhmetshin, including all documents provided during the meeting and all documents relating to scheduling, what happened during the meeting(s), and any related actions taken after the meeting(s);
2.      all communications to, from, or copied to the Trump Organization relating to Rob Goldstone, Emin Agalarov, Aras Agalarov, Natalia Veselnitskaya, Rinat Akhmetshin, Anatoli Samochornov, Irakly (Ike) Kaveladze, Christopher Steele, Aleksej Gubarev, Webzilla B.V., XBT Holdings S.A., Alfa Group, Dmitry Peskov, Vladimir Putin, the Ritz Carlton Moscow Hotel, Paul Manafort, Carter Page, Igor Sechin, Sergei Ivanov, Igor Divyekin, Sergei Millian, Dmitry Medvedev, Michael Flynn, Jill Stein, Michael Cohen, Konstantin Kosachev, Viktor Yanukovych, Corey Lewandowski, Sergei Kislyak, Yuri Ushakov, Anton Vaino, Mikhail Kalugin, Andrei Bondarev, Mikhail Fridman, Petr Aven, German Khan, Oleg Govorun, Sergey Lavrov, Rosneft, Sergei Kiriyenko, Oleg Solodukhin. This shall include any documents referring to any of the aforementioned using alternate spellings, pseudonyms, nicknames, abbreviations, or codes;
3.      all documents relating to any attempts or actions taken by the Trump Organization or Trump campaign to obtain information during the 2016 presidential campaign about Hillary Clinton from: Russian government officials, associates, or representatives; any individuals who purported to act or whom were believed to be acting on behalf of Russian government officials, associates, or representatives; or anyone who might have been involved in or in receipt of information obtained as a result of Russia’s influence campaign;
4.      all documents relating to any attempts or actions taken by the Trump Organization or Trump campaign to coordinate, encourage, gain, release, or otherwise use information related to Russia’s influence campaign aimed at the US 2016 presidential election.
We appreciate your prompt attention to this important matter. If you have any questions, please contact Patrick Davis of Chairman Grassley’s staff at (202) 224-5225 or Heather Sawyer of Ranking Member Feinstein’s staff at (202) 224-7703.
Charles E. Grassley Dianne Feinstein
Chairman Ranking Member
Committee on the Judiciary Committee on the Judiciary
Lindsey O. Graham Sheldon Whitehouse
Chairman Ranking Member
Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism
Committee on the Judiciary Committee on the Judiciary
July 19, 2017
Christian Becker
Kasowitz Benson Torres LLP
1633 Broadway
New York, NY 10019
Dear Mr. Becker:
We are writing to confirm that adequate steps are being taken to preserve records, and with a request for documents regarding any attempts or interest in obtaining information about presidential candidate Hillary Clinton from Russian government and affiliated sources, including through a June 2016 meeting between Donald Trump, Jr., Jared Kushner, Paul Manafort, and Natalia Veselnitskaya.
We expect that the Trump campaign[14] has already taken care to preserve relevant documents[15] in light of investigations into Russian interference being conducted by Congress and federal law enforcement and counterintelligence agencies. We ask that you confirm by August 2, 2017, that this has been done, and describe the scope of documents that are being preserved.
If this has not yet been done, we ask that you immediately take steps to preserve all relevant documents in the possession, custody, or control of the Trump Campaign related to Russian interference in the 2016 election, including documents related to the Trump campaign’s contacts with: Russian government officials, associates, or representatives; any individuals who purported to act or whom were believed to be acting on behalf of Russian government officials, associates, or representatives; anyone who might have been involved in or in receipt of information obtained as a result of Russia’s influence campaign.
We also ask that you begin producing the following documents to the Committee by no later than August 2, 2017:
1.      all documents related to the June 9, 2016 meeting or any other meeting or effort to arrange a meeting with Natalia Veselnitskaya or Rinat Akhmetshin, including all documents provided during the meeting and all documents relating to scheduling, what happened during the meeting(s), and any related actions taken after the meeting(s);
2.      all communications to, from, or copied to the Trump campaign relating to Rob Goldstone, Emin Agalarov, Aras Agalarov, Natalia Veselnitskaya, Rinat Akhmetshin, Anatoli Samochornov, Irakly (Ike) Kaveladze, Christopher Steele, Aleksej Gubarev, Webzilla B.V., XBT Holdings S.A., Alfa Group, Dmitry Peskov, Vladimir Putin, the Ritz Carlton Moscow Hotel, Paul Manafort, Carter Page, Igor Sechin, Sergei Ivanov, Igor Divyekin, Sergei Millian, Dmitry Medvedev, Michael Flynn, Jill Stein, Michael Cohen, Konstantin Kosachev, Viktor Yanukovych, Corey Lewandowski, Sergei Kislyak, Yuri Ushakov, Anton Vaino, Mikhail Kalugin, Andrei Bondarev, Mikhail Fridman, Petr Aven, German Khan, Oleg Govorun, Sergey Lavrov, Rosneft, Sergei Kiriyenko, Oleg Solodukhin. This shall include any documents referring to any of the aforementioned using alternate spellings, pseudonyms, nicknames, abbreviations, or codes;
3.      all documents relating to any attempts or actions taken by the Trump Campaign to obtain information during the 2016 presidential campaign about Hillary Clinton from: Russian government officials, associates, or representatives; any individuals who purported to act or whom were believed to be acting on behalf of Russian government officials, associates, or representatives; or anyone who might have been involved in or in receipt of information obtained as a result of Russia’s influence campaign;
4.      all documents relating to any attempts or actions taken by the Trump campaign to coordinate, encourage, gain, release, or otherwise use information related to Russia’s influence campaign aimed at the US 2016 presidential election.
We appreciate your prompt attention to this important matter. If you have any questions, please contact Patrick Davis of Chairman Grassley’s staff at (202) 224-5225 or Heather Sawyer of Ranking Member Feinstein’s staff at (202) 224-7703.
Charles E. Grassley Dianne Feinstein
Chairman Ranking Member
Committee on the Judiciary Committee on the Judiciary
Lindsey O. Graham Sheldon Whitehouse
Chairman Ranking Member
Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism
Committee on the Judiciary Committee on the Judiciary

[1] Letter from Hon. Charles E. Grassley, Chairman, Senate Judiciary Committee, to Glenn R. Simpson, Fusion GPS (Mar. 24, 2017).
[2] Letter from Joshua A. Levy & Robert F. Muse, Cunningham Levy Muse LLP, to Hon. Charles E. Grassley, Chairman, Sen. Comm. on the Judiciary (Apr. 7, 2017).
[3] Letter from Hon. Charles E. Grassley, Chairman, Sen. Comm. on the Judiciary to Glenn R. Simpson, Fusion GPS (June 7, 2017).
[4] Letter from Joshua A. Levy & Robert F. Muse, Cunningham Levy Muse LLP, to Hon. Charles E. Grassley, Chairman, Senate Judiciary Committee (June 23, 2017); VanderSloot v. Foundation for National Progress, 2014 CA 003684 2 (D.C. Superior Ct. Oct. 27, 2014).
[5] Isaac Arnsdorf, FARA Complaint Alleges Pro-Russian Lobbying, Politico (Dec. 8, 2016) (“Akhmetshin used to spy for the Soviets and ‘specializes in active measures campaigns’ … Akhmetshin acknowledged having been a Soviet counterintelligence officer”); Chuck Ross, Oppo Researcher Behind Trump Dossier Is Linked to Pro-Kremlin Lobbying Effort, The Daily Caller (Jan. 13, 2017) (Akhmetshin “was affiliated with GRU, Russia’s main intelligence directorate”); Steve LeVine, The Oil and the Glory: The Pursuit of Empire and Fortune on the Caspian Sea 366 (2007) (describing how a former KGB officer turned businessman turned Kazahk politician “hired a lobbyist, an English-speaking former Soviet Army counter-intelligence officer named Rinat Akhmetshin [and] the skilled Akhmetshin burrowed in with Washington reporters, think tank experts, administration bureaucrats, and key political figures”); Plaintiff’s Complaint, International Mineral Resources B.V. v. Rinat Akhmetshin, et al., No. 161682/2015, 2015 WL 7180277 (N.Y. Sup.) (“Akhmetshin is a former Soviet military counterintelligence officer who moved to Washington, D.C. to become a lobbyist.”).
[6] Andrew Buncombe, British Tycoon To Tell Senate Trump Jr Russia Lawyer Is Linked to Secretive Group Behind Steele Dossier, Independent (July 13, 2017).
[7] “Documents” include any written, recorded, or graphic material of any kind, including letters, memoranda, reports, notes, electronic data (emails, email attachments, and any other electronically-created or stored information), calendar entries, inter-office communications, meeting minutes, phone/voice mail or recordings/records of verbal communications, and drafts (whether or not they resulted in final documents).
[8] “Trump campaign” means Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. and any related Trump campaign entities and all of its present and former directors, officers, employees, agents, consultants, advisors, associates, or other persons acting for or on behalf of them.
[9] “Documents” include any written, recorded, or graphic material of any kind, including letters, memoranda, reports, notes, electronic data (emails, email attachments, and any other electronically-created or stored information), calendar entries, inter-office communications, meeting minutes, phone/voice mail or recordings/records of verbal communications, and drafts (whether or not they resulted in final documents).
[10] “Trump campaign” means Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. and any related Trump campaign entities and all of its present and former directors, officers, employees, agents, consultants, advisors, associates, or other persons acting for or on behalf of them.
[11] “Trump Organization” means the Trump Organization LLC, the Trump Organization, Inc. and any related Trump businesses and all of its present and former directors, officers, employees, agents, consultants, or other persons acting for or on behalf of them.
[12] “Documents” include any written, recorded, or graphic material of any kind, including letters, memoranda, reports, notes, electronic data (emails, email attachments, and any other electronically-created or stored information), calendar entries, inter-office communications, meeting minutes, phone/voice mail or recordings/records of verbal communications, and drafts (whether or not they resulted in final documents).
[13] “Trump campaign” means Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. and any related Trump campaign entities and all of its present and former directors, officers, employees, agents, consultants, advisors, associates, or other persons acting for or on behalf of them.
[14] “Trump campaign” means Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. and any related Trump campaign entities and all of its present and former directors, officers, employees, agents, consultants, advisors, associates, or other persons acting for or on behalf of them.
[15] “Documents” include any written, recorded, or graphic material of any kind, including letters, memoranda, reports, notes, electronic data (emails, email attachments, and any other electronically-created or stored information), calendar entries, inter-office communications, meeting minutes, phone/voice mail or recordings/records of verbal communications, and drafts (whether or not they resulted in final documents).