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Media Advisory: Judiciary Hearing on Graham Legislation to Fix Southern Border Crisis

WASHINGTON – Tomorrow, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) will lead a hearing on his legislation to close loopholes in current immigration law and help fix the crisis at the southern border. The committee will hear from Department of Homeland Security Acting Secretary Kevin McAleenan.

 Today, Graham made this statement ahead of the hearing.

“Tomorrow’s hearing will lay out a roadmap to fix the disaster at our southern border.

 “The number of people seeking entry into the United States coming from Central America has doubled since last year, creating both a humanitarian and national security crisis.  My legislation, the Secure and Protect Act, would fix loopholes in our asylum law, requiring Central American immigrants to apply for asylum within their country or Mexico, not the United States, and allow more time to process claims involving minor children.  These changes, according to Acting Secretary McAleenan, would stop most of the illegal flow coming from Central America. 

“The President has taken strong action working with Mexico, but we also need to pass a more permanent, lasting fix. 

“I hope Democrats and Republicans will listen to the Acting Secretary’s warnings and work together to end this disaster at our southern border.  To simply look the other way and do nothing is not acceptable.”




Senate Judiciary Committee


Hearing titled, “The Secure and Protect Act: A Legislative Fix to the Crisis at the Southwest Border”


10:00 a.m.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019


Senate Judiciary Committee

Dirksen Senate Office Building

Room 226

Washington, D.C.


