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Repeat Illegal Immigrant and Drug Dealer Gets Kid Glove Treatment

As the border crisis brought on by the Biden administration’s policies continue, the president nominated a judge with a record of being soft on criminal illegal immigrants. 

Judge Jackson gave a light sentence to a felon who had reentered the U.S. after being deported once (United States v. Garcia-Guerrero, No. 13-cr-0159 (D.D.C.)) 
  • A central American drug distributor was previously deported for being in the U.S. illegally and attempting to sell crack cocaine 
  • After he was arrested and deported for that initial offense, he once again illegally entered the U.S.
  • The man pleaded guilty, and both the government and the defense sought a 27-month sentence, which is at the low end of the Sentencing Guidelines’ range
  • Judge Jackson decided to go even lower – sentencing him to less than two years 
As the Senate considers Judge Jackson’s nomination, the Biden administration is bracing for another massive influx of illegal border crossers 
  • Reports indicate a “mass migration event” of more than 170,000 migrants may be imminent 
  • Border patrol made nearly 1.7 million arrests in fiscal year 2021, a record high 
  • Fentanyl seizures more than doubled from fiscal year 2020, and cocaine seizures were also up 
  • Nonetheless, Judge Jackson said “we don’t have victims in this case.”  
