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Republicans Tout Credentials; Dems Try Distracting from Judge Barrett’s Qualifications, Temperament

WASHINGTON?– The Senate Judiciary Committee conducted its first day of hearings to consider Judge Amy Coney Barrett to be Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. Throughout the day, Democratic members sidestepped any discussion of Judge Barrett’s qualifications for that post.

Republican members, on the other hand, highlighted Judge Barrett’s credentials and intellect.

“In my view, the person appearing before this committee is in a category of excellence - something the country should be proud of. And [Judge Barrett] will have a chance to make her case to be a worthy successor and to become the ninth member of the Supreme Court of the United States.” – Chairman Lindsey Graham

“Judge Barrett’s service reflects an exceptional intellect, paired with a deep commitment to the rule of law. She’s received praise across the legal profession and ideological spectrum. Former colleagues at Notre Dame describe Judge Barrett as ‘brilliant, industrious, gracious, and kind,’ and as ‘a person of utmost integrity, with an open mind and the even temperament that is prized in a judge.’” – Sen. Chuck Grassley

"Judge Barrett brings impeccable credentials and judicial temperament and a faithfulness to the law. That's what we should be looking for in Supreme Court justices.” – Sen. Ted Cruz

“Throughout your impressive career, you have earned the respect of those who share your views on the law as well as those who do not. Folks with widely different judicial philosophies agree that you are brilliant, respectful, kind, and when you disagree, you do so without personal rancor or malice.” – Sen. John Cornyn

“She’s a top-notch legal scholar and professor in the mold of the late Justice Scalia. Her work is widely respected within the legal community, and it is clear why her former students voted for her multiple times to be the Distinguished Professor of the Year at Notre Dame Law School. It’s also why every full-time faculty member at Notre Dame Law School supports her.” – Sen. Thom Tillis

“Her remarkable resume shows she is a pioneer in the legal field. She is the ideal candidate to fill this current vacancy.” – Sen. Mike Crapo

 Senators call out the distractions and dissembling from the other side:

“At the very beginning let me observe as Sherlock Holmes famously observed that what speaks the loudest is the dog that didn't bark, which is to date of every Democrat who's spoken, we've heard virtually not a single word about Judge Barrett.” – Sen. Ted Cruz

 “You don’t like the policies in America? Great, elect different people in the House and in the Senate and in the presidency. Fire the politicians at the next election, but voters don’t have the freedom to fire the judges; therefore, we should not view judges, and we should not encourage the judges or public to view them, as ultimately politicians who hide behind their robes. – Sen. Ben Sasse

“Judge Barrett’s rulings aren’t meant to be for or against a particular policy outcome. She’s not a legislator that is supposed to be our job. However, when the minority party cannot get their bad policies passed, they turn to the courts and demand that judges interpret the law not as written—but as they prefer to be.” – Sen. Thom Tillis

“Women all over the world are painfully familiar with this strategy. We are all too often perceived and judged based on who somebody else needs or wants us to be, not on who we actually are. I cannot speak to those who would attempt to undermine your nomination, but, as a fellow woman, mom, Midwesterner, I see you for who you are and I'm glad the American people have the opportunity to get to know Amy Coney Barrett.” –Sen. Joni Ernst

If Senate Democrats were half as concerned as they say about American families’ healthcare, they would not have filibustered a multi-hundred-billion-dollar proposal for more coronavirus relief just a few weeks ago.” – Sen. Mike Crapo

“We know that you are a prolific scholar and author of over a dozen articles on the courts and the Constitution. The ABA has rated you as well qualified to serve as a Supreme Court justice. I appreciate that many times you have probably done this with a child in your arms, on your hip, or somewhere in tow, maybe waiting for a ballgame to begin. You have done all of this even as you have been a friend, a mentor, a wife, and a mom. These are impressive qualifications by any standard, so it is no surprise that you are fielding attacks from other angles. Many of my colleagues have wasted a lot of their time complaining about the process in an effort to delay and obstruct a legitimate, constitutionally sound confirmation hearing.” –  Sen. Marsha Blackburn

ICYMI: “American Bar Association: Judge Barrett is “Well Qualified” to serve on Supreme Court”