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VIDEO: Grassley Meets with FBI Director Nominee Christopher Wray

WASHINGTON – Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley today met with Christopher Wray, President Donald Trump’s nominee to be director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, at his Senate office in Washington. The Senate Judiciary Committee, which has legislative authority and oversight jurisdiction over the Department of Justice and the FBI, will hold a hearing to consider his nomination.
“I congratulate Chris on his appointment as FBI director,” Grassley said. “It’s the number one law enforcement job in the United States. Our plan is to follow the rule that was laid down by the Democrat majority when we had a previous FBI director – that this is an opening that should not languish. It would be my plan to get it through committee during the month of July. Of course it’s up to the majority leader when he would want to bring it up, but I would hope that we would have this confirmation completed by the time we leave for our August break.”
Video of Grassley’s meeting with Wray can be found here
