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What They Are Saying: Advocates and Faith Leaders Praise Judge Barrett’s Qualifications

WASHINGTON – The Senate Judiciary Committee, chaired by U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina), will begin Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court nomination hearing on October 12, 2020. Here’s what advocates and faith leaders from across the country have to say:

Judge Amy Coney Barrett of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit is a highly qualified nominee exhibiting outstanding education, experience, temperament, and character. Judge Barrett should be swiftly confirmed as Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court.” – Franklin Graham, President/Chief Executive Officer, Samaritan’s Purse, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

After a careful and thorough review of Judge Barrett’s work as a law professor, scholar, and Seventh Circuit judge, we firmly believe she possesses the judicial temperament and philosophy necessary to act as a bulwark for our Constitution and institutions of government. Specifically, we trust Judge Barrett, if confirmed to the Supreme Court, will: Respect the Constitution, Protect our freedoms, Defend the separation of powers, Interpret the law as written, Not legislate from the bench.” More than 200 advocacy leaders

“At every stage of her career, Judge Barrett’s knowledge of the law, balanced temperament, and fairness stood out. It is no wonder then that President Donald J. Trump nominated her to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit in 2007, where she continues to serve with distinction to this day. As if this were not enough, Judge Barrett is even more impressive in her character and personal life. A woman of deep faith and integrity, Judge Barrett is an inspiration to the hundreds of thousands of women I represent. This is most relevant for the honorable position of being a justice of the Supreme Court. It is clear Judge Barrett is a woman who will not be bribed or intimidated but who will administer justice with impartiality, honesty, and conviction.Penny Nance, President and CEO, Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee

“Americans deserve a Supreme Court with justices who will serve them, not rule over them. Judge Amy Coney Barrett is a jurist of the highest quality and a dedicated servant to her fellow Americans. We support her nomination to the Supreme Court and are confident your committee will find her to be an excellent and well-qualified person to serve our country.Jessica Anderson, Executive Director, Heritage Action for America

“Judge Barrett is highly qualified to serve on the Supreme Court. She graduated at the top of her class at Notre Dame Law School and clerked for Judge Laurence Silberman on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, as well as the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. Barrett worked in private practice at highly regarded law firms, followed by a distinguished career as a law professor for nearly 15 years. Most recently, she has served with distinction as a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, where she has exemplified a strong originalist jurisprudence, integrity, and faithfulness to the law over policy preference…Nevertheless, Judge Barrett has still been subjected to baseless, irrelevant, and unconstitutional attacks, including on her faith. We ask the Senate Judiciary Committee and the Senate as a whole to rise above these attacks, and focus on Barrett’s qualifications instead.”Travis Weber, Vice President for Policy and Government Affairs, Family Research Council