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What They Are Saying: Law Enforcement, Former Justice Dept. Officials “Wholeheartedly” Support Barr for Attorney General

“Bill’s career reveals a character of unwavering commitment to the rule of law without regard to favor or politics… We urge you in the strongest manner possible to confirm him to the job he is uniquely qualified to perform again.” – 120 Former Justice Department and Law Enforcement Officials

“…it is clear to us that [Mr. Barr] exemplifies two of the most crucial traits Americans look for in an Attorney General: independence and a commitment to the even-handed application of the law. His record shows he is willing to recognize limits to executive branch authority when his legal analysis concludes thusly. Just as Mr. Barr’s stance on the separation of powers doctrine gives reassurance to us as state officials, so too ought it give reassurance to you as members of the federal legislative branch.” – 21 State Attorneys General

“…[Mr. Barr] has repeatedly demonstrated his commitment to the rule of law and that he has a unique understanding of the challenges and the complexities law enforcement agencies face in safeguarding the citizens they were sworn to protect.” – Paul M. Cell, President of the International Association of Chiefs of Police

“We are confident that William Barr will be a good partner to the thousands of drug law enforcement officers working to keep innocent Americans safe. Because we know his strong record, we believe that Mr. Barr will make an excellent Attorney General and encourage his confirmation.” – Bob Bushman, President of the National Narcotic Officers’ Associations’ Coalition  

“[Mr. Barr’s] reputation for integrity and high ethical standards bodes well for the times ahead, and our interview with Mr. Barr confirmed that he will be a strong and independent Attorney General.” – Art Acevedo, President of the Major Cities Chiefs Association

“Mr. Barr has demonstrated his strong support of law enforcement throughout his professional career…NAGIA fully supports the nomination and we look forward to Mr. Barr’s confirmation.” – C.P. Schoville, President of the National Alliance of Gang Investigators Associations

“Having previously served at the helm of the Justice Department, [Mr. Barr] is uniquely qualified to manage the challenges the department faces.... We urge support for his confirmation.” –South Carolina Law Enforcement Division Chief Mark Keel, President of the Association of State Criminal Investigative Agencies

…we wholeheartedly support Mr. Barr’s nomination and look forward to his confirmation.” Sam A. Cabral, International President of the International Union of Police Associations

It is a rare occasion that a nominee for this extremely important position, both for law enforcement and for this country, has previously been confirmed as the Attorney General... FLEOA fully supports the confirmation of William Barr to be our next Attorney General.” Nathan R. Catura, National President of the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association

"The Committee on the Judiciary reported his nomination unanimously and the Senate confirmed him as the 77th Attorney General on a voice vote… we are confident that Mr. Barr will, once again, be a stellar ‘top cop.’”Chuck Canterbury, National President of the National Fraternal Order of Police

“General Barr is known for his thoughtful approach and we are confident he will be an honest broker and reliable partner for local law enforcementThe MCSA urges the Committee and members of the Senate to swiftly confirm General William Barr…” Grady Judd and Michael J. Bouchard, President and Vice President of Major County Sheriffs of America