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What They Are Saying: Liberty and Legal Groups Emphasize Judge Barrett’s Originalism, Commitment to the Constitution

WASHINGTON – The Senate Judiciary Committee, chaired by U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina), will begin Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court nomination hearing on October 12, 2020. Read what various legal and liberty groups have to say about Judge Barrett’s nomination to the Supreme Court:

A thorough review of Judge Barrett’s record leads to the unmistakable conclusion that she is unwavering in her commitment to the Constitution and eminently qualified to serve on the nation’s highest Court. Given this impressive record, and given that Judge Barrett has been recently confirmed by a bipartisan Senate majority, she should be confirmed and sworn in as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States without delay. This conclusion is corroborated by the almost 100 cases she participated in since joining the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals. It is unquestionably clear that she remains a principled jurist who believes in the text of the Constitution. She has demonstrated beyond question that she is unafraid of going where the law directs her as opposed to being driven by her personal preferences.” – Jordan Sekulow, Executive Director, American Center for Law & Justice

“I write in support of the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to be confirmed Justice on the Supreme Court of the United States. Judge Barrett is a Constitutionalist and will execute the duties of Justice faithfully and to the best of her ability. Club for Growth often focuses on economic policy and advancing liberty in America. Having reviewed Judge Barrett’s jurisprudence, I believe she will adhere to the rule of law and will not legislate from the bench.” – David M. McIntosh, President, The Club for Growth

“We are confident Judge Barrett will protect the religious freedoms and constitutional rights of all Americans. Her judicial record demonstrates a commitment to the Constitution’s text and its purpose. We believe that Judge Barrett understands that government exists to protect the God-given rights of the people and the Constitution exists to prevent government from infringing on those rights.” – Kelly Shackelford, President, CEO & Chief Counsel, First Liberty Institute

“Her impartiality and her steadfast support and respect for the law has earned her the respect and support from individuals across the political spectrum… Judge Barrett is among the most highly qualified individuals nominated to serve on our nation’s highest court. Her dedication is unparalleled and her love for our country and for the U.S. Constitution is admirable.” – Lawrence Keane, National Shooting Sports Foundation