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871 results found for Immigration.
  1. did not hold a single DHS oversight hearing during the entirety of the 116th Congress and the Immigration Subcommittee held only two hearings despite unprecedented chaos and crisis...
  2. large influx of migrants at the southern border larger than the already record levels of illegal immigrant crossings currently taking place along the border U S Border Patrol Chief...
  3. gave the Secretary of Homeland Security sole and unreviewable discretion to decide whether illegal immigrants should be subject to expedited removal within two years Judge Jackson...
  4. and human rights abuses the ability to travel to and remain in our country This change to our immigration law is much needed in light of the outrage towards Putin s invasion of...
  5. civil cause of action to include genocide war crimes and crimes against humanity and amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to make war crimes and crimes against humanity...
  6. civil cause of action to include genocide war crimes and crimes against humanity and amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to make war crimes and crimes against humanity...
  7. involved a question over the meaning of a statutory provision to commit a decision about when illegal immigrants are subject to expedited removal to Homeland Security s sole and...
  8. that the current H 2B program encourages lower wages and poor working conditions for American and immigrant guest workers alike H 2B visa reforms are long overdue and we continue...
  9. is responsible for our broken immigration system and is in the pocket of the radical left The third point I want to make is immigration Yes we have challenges in immigration I...
  10. policies continue the president nominated a judge with a record of being soft on criminal illegal immigrants Judge Jackson gave a light sentence to a felon who had reentered the U...