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870 results found for Immigration.
  1. Authority Case No 20 cv 3592 2022 WL 971329 D D C Mar 31 2022 Alshawy v United States Citizenship and Immigration Services Case No 21 cv 2206 2022 WL 970883 D D C Mar 30 2022 Jones...
  2. Testimony on Immigration Higher Education Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration Citizenship and Border Safety Strengthening our Workforce and Economy Through Higher...
  3. Senate Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on Immigration Citizenship and Border Safety Strengthening our Workforce and Economy through Higher Education and Immigration Tuesday June...
  4. of Utah State University Immigration Plays a Positive Role in Strengthening America s Workforce T E ST I MO N Y Testimony Before the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration...
  5. those individuals and represented them with empathy and respect She maintained an active pro bono immigration practice and respectfully represented and supported her clients...
  6. interest Id at 2433 21 In 1996 you wrote that the book Laws Harsh as Tigers Chinese Immigrants and the Shaping of Modern Immigration Law explode d the myth of America as a melting...
  7. in the United States was less than assured She immigrated with her family as a toddler from Taiwan for her father s job as a consul general The Immigration and Naturalization...
  8. this court and served as an Assistant United States Attorney in the District of Colorado Having immigrated to the United States as a child Judge Wang represents the values and...
  9. S Citizenship Immigration Servs From approximately 2010 to 2015 I served as sole counsel for Ms Hernandez in connection with her applications to United States Citizenship and...
  10. come before me fairly and impartially regardless of the claims or the parties involved My parents immigrated with me to the United States because of our country s commitment to the...