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871 results found for Immigration.
  1. investigated and tried all manner of federal criminal matters including fraud firearms drug trafficking immigration child pornography and child exploitation cases In recognition of...
  2. Food Drug Administration OIG HOMELAND SECURITY Border Patrol Coast Guard Investigative Service Immigration Customs Enforcement Customs Border Protection Federal Air Marshal Service...
  3. upholding the rights of immigrants She found that executive efforts to dramatically expand the government s expedited deportation powers could cause irreparable harm to immigrant...
  4. opportunity fair employment and housing criminal justice women s rights access to health care immigration consumer rights and environmental justice These decisions directly impact...
  5. our history this nation has systematically deprived people of color Indigenous communities and immigrant communities of their voting and civil rights It has exploited these...
  6. 245 49 rejecting non delegation challenge to waiver authority provided under Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act 26 999 F Supp 2d 300 D D C 2013 Page 5 of...
  7. disproportionately impact people of color people with disabilities LGBTQ people people who are immigrants and people who have low incomes Judge Jackson is a dedicated public...
  8. Blumoff Professor emeritus Mercer University Matthew Boaz Professor of Practice Visiting Director Immigrant Rights Clinic Washington Lee University Matthew Bodie Callis Family...
  9. the needs of those who are at greatest risk of marginalization including women people of color immigrants and refugees survivors of violence and abuse the LGBTQ community...
  10. involving the First Amendment the Freedom of Information Act administrative law tax bankruptcy and immigration In December 2009 I was promoted to the position of Deputy Chief of...