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871 results found for Immigration.
  1. Keep Cars Locked Up When Debtors File for Bankruptcy ACLU Blog Oct 13 2020 Copy supplied 8 Your Immigration Status Should Not Be a Death Sentence But in Illinois It Still Can Be...
  2. personal background and her careerlong commitment to civil rights and ensuring justice for all Born to immigrant parents from Ghana Abudu would be the first black woman to sit on...
  3. country and considers cases of national importance relating to civil rights labor health care immigration and the environment Judge Childs has the background temperament and...
  4. Closer to Comprehensive Marijuana Policy Reform Am Civ Liberties Union July 12 2017 Copy supplied Immigration Voting Rights and Electoral Access in America Votes by Am Bar Ass n...
  5. Court Ms Abudu is eminently qualified to serve on the Eleventh Circuit The daughter of Ghanaian immigrants Nancy Abudu would be the first woman of color and Black woman to sit on...
  6. 2020 WL 3402227 N D Cal June 19 2020 cert granted No 20 322 2021 WL 3711642 U S Aug 23 2021 This immigration class action challenged the government s failure to provide ICE held...
  7. work together to achieve that goal while also ensuring we retain integrity in our nation s lawful immigration system However I ve found in my over 35 years of oversight work that...
  8. facing serious challenges on our southwest border that are complicated by the need to rebuild an immigration system that was systematically dismantled during the prior...
  9. demographic diversity to the Eleventh Circuit Ms Abudu is a Black woman who is the daughter of immigrants from Ghana If confirmed she will be the first Black woman to sit on this...
  10. President s power See id at 2408 2415 Specifically the Court concluded that the language of the Immigration and Nationality Act 8 U S C 1182 f which gives the President broad...