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  1. Prepared Statement by U S Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa Ranking Member Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing on Accountability for War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity Wedne...
  2. WASHINGTON A group of Senate Republicans is today demanding an explanation from the Justice Department and FBI for the abnormal and aggressive dawn raid on the home of a pro life...
  3. WASHINGTON Sen Chuck Grassley R Iowa ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee is today introducing legislation to require greater transparency of think tanks and other non...
  4. WASHINGTON The Senate Judiciary Committee released prepared testimony from Eli Rosenbaum Director of Human Rights Enforcement Strategy and Policy and Counselor for War Crimes...
  5. WASHINGTON U S Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin D IL Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee today delivered an opening statement during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing...
  6. Type Full Committee Hearing Date Wednesday September 28th 2022 Time 10 00am Location Hart Senate Office Building Room 216 Presiding Chair Durbin ...
  7. Type Subcommittee Hearing Date Wednesday September 28th 2022 Time 03 15pm Location Dirksen Senate Office Building Room 226 Presiding Chair Blumenthal ...
  8. WASHINGTON U S Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin D IL Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee and Senators Jon Ossoff D GA and Mike Braun R IN today introduced bipartisan...
  9. WASHINGTON In a speech on the Senate floor U S Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin D IL Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee blasted Texas Governor Greg Abbott for exploiting a...
  10. WASHINGTON U S Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin D IL Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee today met with Dr Colleen Shogan nominee to be Archivist of the United States to...