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  1. WASHINGTON Today Senate Republicans filibustered the DISCLOSE Act legislation to combat the flood of anonymous special interest spending in American politics The bill would require...
  2. WASHINGTON U S Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin D IL Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee and Senator Amy Klobuchar D MN Chairwoman of the Senate Committee on Rules and...
  3. Prepared Opening Statement by Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa Ranking Member Senate Judiciary Committee Executive Business Meeting September 22 2022 ...
  4. WASHINGTON The Senate Judiciary Committee today advanced Thomas E Brown to be United States Marshal forthe Northern District of Georgia and Kirk M Taylor to be United States...
  5. Type Executive Business Meeting Date Thursday September 22nd 2022 Time 09 00am Location Dirksen Senate Office Building Room 106 Presiding Chair Durbin ...
  6. WASHINGTON Today following yet another classified congressional briefing on the Biden administration s failure to adequately vet Afghan evacuees which included the Federal Bureau...
  7. 09.21.2022


    Type Nomination Hearing Date Wednesday September 21st 2022 Time 10 00am Location Dirksen Senate Office Building Room 226 Presiding Chair Durbin ...
  8. WASHINGTON During today s Senate Judiciary Committee nominations hearing U S Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin D IL Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee questioned Julie Rikelman...
  9. Type Oversight Date Tuesday September 20th 2022 Time 03 00pm Location Dirksen Senate Office Building Room 226 Presiding Chair Klobuchar ...
  10. WASHINGTON Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Chuck Grassley R Iowa today pushed Federal Trade Commission FTC and Justice Department senior leadership to do more to promote...